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Summer 2024

Dear Bolkgenoten,

The network density in Twente is the highest in the Netherlands. Many residents are members of music, sports or other associations and the number of entrepreneurial networks is unprecedented. Twente has an orderly scale and, because of the relatively large number of smaller and medium-sized enterprises, mutual relationships are numerous.

The first herring party in Twente at the initiative of Henk Bolk, 30 years ago at Restaurant de Liskoel in Vasse, was soon accompanied by several editions. Meanwhile, planning all those herring parties in the tight season requires good mutual coordination.

Many a local herring party features an auction or collection for charity, and different places compete for the highest proceeds. That competition was definitely won this year by Rijssen with unprecedented proceeds of almost half a million. But apart from the charities, it is mainly the large Twente network that benefits from these occasions.

Because Twente is not dominated by one industry or company, it is necessary to maintain the multitude of mutual contacts well. The high proportion of family-related SMEs provides Twente with a versatile and resilient economy. The high yield in Rijssen illustrates the strength of these companies.

In the coming years, the trick will be to cash in on the great opportunities at leading companies in Twente while maintaining sufficient room for SME growth and development. It will probably take many a herring party to manage the impact of that combination.

Enjoy watching and reading this Bolk magazine!

Bolk Management


Road-water-road transport of storage tanks project

Short route – Extreme load


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